
Forget me not: the hippocampus

This pictorial essay describes the anatomy and pathology of the hippocampus, which—although it is a small but complex structure in the brain—plays an important role in spatial and episodic memory. The article explains the best imaging strategy for the evaluation of the hippocampus and describes the imaging appearance of the most common anatomic variants and pathologic conditions that can affect the hippocampus.

Most Downloaded Paper 2016 Awards

The winners of the Most Downloaded Papers in 2016 were awarded at our annual Editorial Board meeting at ECR 2017. Congratulations again on behalf of the editorial office and the ESR!

Imaging of plantar fascia disorders

This review article exemplifies simple and systematic guidelines for imaging assessment of plantar fascia disorders, with a focus on key findings detectable on plain radiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).