Submission guidelines

Manuscript preparation

All submissions must contain the following documents:

  1. Cover letter file, answering the following questions:
    • The importance of the manuscript (see above).
    • Your experience on the topic (including previous publications).
    • The expected clinical impact of the manuscript.
  2. Title page file
    • Article title, full author names, and affiliations
  3. Main text file (after consultation of the manuscript requirements):
    • Abstract, key points, keywords, abbreviations.
    • Main text, references, figure/table legends, if any.
  4. Declarations file (following this template).
  5. Graphical abstract (following this template)

Optional files:

  • Figures (provided as separate EPS, JPG, or TIFF files)
  • Tables (provided in editable format, such as Word, Excel)
  • Electronic Supplementary Material (provided in editable format)

Article types

Articles submitted to Insights into Imaging have the following limits:


Article type Word limit Figure limit Table limit

Original Article


max. 3,000 max. 6 max. 5

Critical Review

Educational Review


max. 5,000 max. 12 max. 5
Opinion max. 1,000 max. 4 max. 2


Manuscripts exceeding these limits will not be assigned to peer review but sent back to authors.
Word count includes the main text document excluding abstract, figure/table legends, references.

Original article

Original articles should present results from clinical studies, which are of general interest or great importance to the development of one of the radiological subspecialties. They should have a clear hypothesis and study design.

Abstracts must be structured into Objectives – Methods – Results – Conclusions.

Educational review

Educational reviews should focus on educational aspects on the use of imaging criteria and findings in clinical and research aspects, with a pearls and pitfalls approach, and on the revision of imaging criteria.

The abstract of a review article is not required to be structured, but should summarise the main issues of the article.

Critical review

Critical reviews should provide an overview on emerging techniques or state-of-the-art topics with an up-to-date and innovative approach. They should serve the radiological and scientific community and allow its members to have access to the best evidence-based knowledge and to foresee the impact of new approaches within the healthcare cycle. They might find common concepts from reviewed material, test a hypothesis based on published evidence, or analyse systematic discrepancies to consolidate what has been achieved.

The abstract of a review article is not required to be structured, but should summarise the main issues of the article.


Opinion papers are short articles of contemporary interest. It can be a Letter to the Editor or a commentary to a published article (in Insights into Imaging or another journal).


Guidelines should aim to determine a course of action or to streamline particular processes according to a sound practice. They must be generated by experts in consensus, using evidence levels approaches, aiding to good clinical practice by helping physicians weigh the benefits and risks of a particular technical performance, diagnostic procedure, or therapeutic action. They also include any opinion or statement related to the imaging value chain and patient management aspects on imaging related topics.

The abstract of a guideline article is not required to be structured, but should summarise the main issues of the article.


Statements are evidence-based analyses of issues relevant to health services, health care management, public health, and health policy. Authors are expected to integrate findings, ideas and/or conceptual frameworks from a variety of sources in a clear and balanced way for our professional improvement.

General Information

Revised and resubmitted manuscripts:

For revised submissons, you will be asked to provide two versions of your manuscript that will facilitate the peer review of your revision:

  • an annotated version (highlighting changes made against the previous version) and a
  • clean version.

Sometimes, authors are also asked to provide a response to reviewer comments (read the decision letter acrefully if this is required or not).


Neither the group of authors (additions or deletions), nor their order of appearance can be changed after submission and assignment to the Handling Editor without the approval of the Editor in Chief and the completion of an authorship change form. The order in which the author names appear in the title page document is binding for publication.

Manuscripts can only be submitted by the corresponding author(s) (and not by other staff members or assistants); all authors must be listed in the title page as well as in the respective fields in the submission system.

Joint first, last, and co-corresponding authorship is possible. When submitting your manuscript, please mention the equal contributions in the title page of your paper.

Page numbers, Font, Style:

Make sure to number the pages in your main text document to facilitate the peer review process. Do not include line numbers (these will be created automatically in the reviewer PDF of your manuscript).

Submission texts are suggested to be double spaced, and in Arial (11 pt) or Times New Roman (12 pt) font.

Case Reports

Case reports are not accepted in Insights into Imaging and should be sent to the European Society of Radiology’s case platform EURORAD, which welcomes the submission of interesting and educational case reports, and makes them also accessible for the readers as blinded teaching cases